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About Me 

Hello, my name is Avery. I am in 11th grade this year (2020). In college  I am planning on pursuing a career in law. But my first love has always been literature. I love reading and writing. The words on the pages show an authors heart, their very soul. When we read, as the quote on my cover page said, we can peer into the hearts of these revered writers, and converse with them through their characters and diction. Writing and reading will always hold a special place in my heart. It allows people to escape this world and dream. We can read tragic stories, funny stories, heartwarming stories, and stories that warn of the future. We can be dazzled by the prose and scrawl of these great artists. They put so much of themselves into their works, and that's why books will always hold a special place in my heart: when I read it is as if I am talking to the author themselves. It is truly beautiful.    

Image by Patrick Fore
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